So Thor vs Superman a battle that keeps going and going without never stops and today i would like to talk about Post Crisis Superman vs Thor. People keep talking and saying things like "Thor wins thanks to magic", "Superman is too fast for him" etc. but I would like to know what is that DC and Marvel think about this.
I already did one of New 52 Superman vs Thor I will let the link here - Superhero Confrontations: Superman vs Thor
As I can't get this people into a room and talks to them I would do it by JLA/Avengers one of my favorite crossovers of all time.
The crossover begins with Krona a scientific that was going Universe by Universe trying to discover the beginning of everything he has already destroyed Earth Three (Crime Syndicate) and Earth 715 (Thundra's home universe). After destroying this universe Krona steps into 616 and is confronted by Grand Master, GM proposes a game in that if he wins Krona will spare his universe. And this is where both earth cross where GM tells the JLA the big news and Metron tells the Avengers. The JLA went to 616 universe where they find very different from theirs this is their reaction:
This both teams have very different forms of do the stuff while Avengers prefer to go by the book and serve the law and freedom JLA puts Justice before anything else. DC is a universe of black and white while Marvel is a gray universe (if you know what i mean).
Round 1
After Avengers go to DC Universe this is what happens:
Cap calls them (JLA) fascist for the way JLA does the things and receiving credits for it, Superman tells them to comes quietly for "interrogation". Thor doesn't like the idea and answer Superman with a Hammer Time to the face. Now why does Superman being many times faster than light does not evade this, well because Thor attack him by surprise, the chapter ends there and in the second comic Superman and Martian Manhunter teams up and send flying Thor, Thor answers with a lightning and knocks Martian Manhunter, then Wonder Woman steps into the fight, they are interrupted by Scarlet Witch and knocks them all down and when Thor and Superman where going to have a collision She teleports everybody. Now people may say how the Hell Superman survive Mjolnirg to the face? well for two reasons.
Thor holds back when using Mjolnirg.
And Superman has a insane durability
For those who haven't paying attention up to now Superman is really mad,
And with all reasons I mean who wouldn't be after all if some people are fighting against me to destroy the universe to save them I would be as well. After all they continue the game and after confronting Darkseid they are all teleported to 616 earth.
Round 2
After one of the most savage fights in story Superman stands victorious and really tired, this is seen when the avengers beat the hell out of him. Later they team up with the bady and GM change reality with the cosmic cube.
Now. What is wrong with this up to now? Nothing the fight was as close as we will get giving the circumstances, Superman was going for blood and Thor was in character. Now isn't suppose a dude that can lift Yggdrasil, the world engine and the nine realms at the same time be stronger than Superman yeah but that would be in a lifting contest and this is a fight. And isn't Superman suppose to be way faster than Thor? true but Thor can compensate with Mjolnirg and his reflexes. If you follow both comics you would know that Thor is fast as well, fast enough to knock a dude and catch a out of control Mjolnirg going to the only point where Thor can't see, and thanks to Mjolnirg he has been capable to fight opponents like Silver Surfer, Hyperion, Sentry and Gladiator. And Thor has been stopped in comics before by beings with symilar strength to Superman.
Now the problem in this for most Thor fans is that Thor loses and they don't like it and don't want to accept it as canon well guess what is canon for DC. And I don't even know what is your problem if you actually read the comic:
And later while all of them preparing them self for the final fight Thor says to Aquaman how exited he was to see both teams fight together and if you would read this is what he says.
Now you may think this is him acting and saying he is strong, well no.
And this is shown better when Superman holds Thor's hammer.
He says that he didn't even imagine how much power there was. Now before anyone says it, is Superman worthy? The answer is simple and is NO! a big fat no, why? for the next reason.
Superman holds the hammer bc Odin allows it so they can save the Universe. Now from all this we can say a fight of Post Crisis Superman vs 616 Thor would be the winner. For the next reasons:
- This crossover in the first encounter where Thor was angry he fought Superman, Martian Manhunter and Wonder Woman and was perfectly fine we could even say he was winning.
- In the second fight Superman was going for the kill while Thor wasn't going all out hell he didn't even use lightnings.
- Superman openly admits that he won by a hair and Thor didn't even go all out.
So after all this we can conclude that if both (Post Crisis Superman and 616 Thor) were going to fight in the same conditions Thor would end victorious.
The reasons i give him his is because Thor against mortals only uses 1/3 of all his real power even if that means he is going to lose. But take his arrogance, his feelings towards humanity and make him go for blood and better get the hell out of his way. ex: Blood and Thunder (he clean up the floor with Silver Surfer, Beta Ray Bill, the infinity watch), his encounter with Iron-man when he was revived, and the saga when he become ruler of earth, hell two big examples of what would happen if Thor goes for blood is Fear Itself where Thor nearly killed Green Scar and Thing while he was still wounded and heck was destroying a planet with his shock waves only (people like to believe all this is bc of the Odin Force but truly the Odin Force just amplified his cosmic abilities like the use of his GodBlast and all times of magic we saw him doing. Hell I did truly confirm this in God of Thunder Saga where Hero Thor, King Thor and Prince Thor were almost equal in his fights, and after that when King Thor had already burned all of the Odinforce (when he revived Hero Thor) and stalemate with Galactus (he won bc of the Black Sword). There is more of Thor than people like to believe. Yet Superman is really powerful as well he can destroy planets and moons with the infinity mass punch going light years or more. Handling Ultraman and Superwoman with his fighting skills stopping a black hole with his static electricity, obliterating a tornado with applause only, incinerating a planet in staring contest
. and there is more but the problem of all would be his fricking vulnerability to magic, the fact that he has been hurt by electricity before and the fact that he can be hurt by punches from super strong beings like doomsday. Against Thor he is fighting magic, brute force and lightning at the same time, if they both go all out Thor would end as the winner in a random encounter with both in characters would be a more hard to determine. But going all out I really doubt that Superman has the power to take Thor down.